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Substrate Activity Relationships 

Essential SAR for DMPK                    

Often overlooked in early development: how is your compound behaving?

Do the data reflect its molecular type and structure?

For small molecules, ADME is driven largely by crossing cellular membranes (by passive permeability and/or active transport) and then being metabolised or actively transported (or not). These, often sequential processes, can largely be predicted using modern DMPK SAR – charge (acid/base), lipophilicity (logP) and TPSA (a measure of H-bonding) – all of which are driven by chemical structure. 

For example, acidic molecules with low TPSA will typically exhibit a short Tmax (well absorbed from stomach due to un-ionized form at low pH) and low volume of distribution (VD, as often highly protein bound).

In contrast, basic molecules will typically exhibit a longer Tmax (poorly absorbed from stomach due to ionized form dominating at low pH) and high VD (rapid permeation of membranes often coupled with partitioning).

In addition, for both [charged] molecule types, active transport is likely to be involved in clearance via substrate interactions with membrane bound anionic and cationic transporters.

In contrast, for lipophilic neutral molecules, metabolism will likely be the primary clearance driver.

Given this, where are your metabolic soft spots? (metabolically unstable functional groups or regions)

Are there any structural DILI alerts?

It is important to review your DMPK data sets early – is your molecule behaving as expected?

Does your Clearance scale from in vitro - in vivo (IVIVE)?

If not, prediction and extrapolation to the in vivo situation (IVIVE) may be more difficult leading to a potentially longer and more complex development and an early appreciation of this is important to expedite drug development.

DMPK Services Ltd 2021

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